
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.



The modern-day version of “The 12 Days of Christmas” song is credited to an English composer named Frederic Austin, who set the melody and lyrics in 1909.

Shrijana is from East Nepal. She grew up in a village where the people were predominantly Hindu and were opposed to Christianity. When she was a child, her father was sick with tuberculosis for two years. He suffered from a severe cough and was bedridden. During that time, two ladies came to their home and shared, “Jesus Christ loves you and can heal you.”

At that time, Shrijana and her family did not understand what that meant. But the two ladies kept coming to pray for her father. Eventually Shrijana and her mother started going to church. One day they finally understood the love of Christ and confessed Jesus as Lord. Shrijana’s father recovered, and every villager saw that Jesus healed him.

Shrijana used to be a schoolteacher, but she left her job to serve full-time in ministry. Now she is a Sunday school teacher and worship leader in her church. In 2019, she attended our disciplemaking training for the first time. She was eager to learn, and she passed on the training to people in her church. As a result, they learned how to confidently share the gospel with the community.

Shrijana asks us to pray that God will give her more knowledge and wisdom to serve him. Also, pray for God’s favor to share the gospel more easily in Nepal. Currently, if Christians get caught sharing the gospel, they might be fined and imprisoned.