
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.


Gyanendra & ChandaniNepal

In 18th century England, British children sang “The 12 Days of Christmas” as a memory-and-forfeit game. Players had to remember all of the previous verses and add a new verse; otherwise they would pay a forfeit to the others, such as a piece of candy.

Gyanendra lives in South Nepal with his wife, Chandani, and their four children. Gyanendra grew up in a village that had a lot of high caste Hindus and hardly any Christians. But there was a Nepali missionary who had an American wife, and they started a church in his village.

Gyanendra’s father became a Christian first, and then Gyanendra became a Christian 25 years ago. They experienced a lot of persecution from the community.

Gyanendra went to Bible college for three years, and then served as an assistant pastor at the church started by the Nepali missionary. He served there for 13 years, but due to a problem at the church, he decided to step out in faith and start his own ministry from scratch.

Eventually two families came to the Lord through that ministry. But Gyanendra struggled to make ends meet for his wife and children. At one point, they ran out of food, and they were very anxious.

Just at that time, one of the men who had become a Christian came to their house with a sack of rice. He said, “I didn’t have peace the other night, and I thought you might need food. So, I brought this sack of rice for you.” At that point, Gynanendra and his wife recommitted themselves to serving the Lord.

They are currently using our disciplemaking curriculum as a small group study with the believers in their church. Gyanendra said, “As a result, I have witnessed rapid spiritual transformation in people’s lives. The truth of God’s word is liberating them from many bondages.”

Pray for Gynanendra and Chandani’s team of eight leaders and their fellowships in three places. They have a vision to reach the people where Gynanendra is from, which is a stronghold of Hinduism.