
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.



The 12 Days of Christmas are also known as Twelvetide. In the Middle Ages, monks would celebrate a different saint each day. During Twelvetide, unlike the 25 days preceding Christmas, monks were not required to fast. The exception was that they had to fast and pray for the first three days of the year, to refrain from the idolatrous practices associated with new year celebrations.

Before Dilip was born, his parents, who were new Christians, decided to dedicate their first child to God for ministry. Dilip became their firstborn, and he grew up in the Christian family. However, due to the influence of his friends, he lived a worldly lifestyle. He continued this way until an incident happened in his life in 1995. It forced him to sit at the feet of God for three days without food. Dilip said, “During those three days, I fasted, prayed, confessed my sins, repented, and accepted the voice of God in my life. That was when I received the call into full-time ministry.”

Dilip went to Bible college and earned a Master of Divinity. Then God led him to join Vishwa Vani. He has been with their ministry for 19 years. Dilip is one of the 80 leaders from Vishwa Vani that we’ve been training. He is responsible for passing on our training in the states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

Pray for Dilip as he seeks to train and send out 200 native missionaries to help fulfill the vision of reaching 11,000 unreached villages. Pray that the message of the gospel and the disciplemaking training will effectively cross language barriers and change lives.