Slumdog Disciplemaker title screen

Thank you for your interest in watching Slumdog Disciplemaker. We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the release of Episode 3 and the event on April 23rd need to be postponed. If you register, we will keep you updated when we’re able to release Episodes 3–5.


Episode Release Schedule

  • released April 2, 2021: Episode 1: Orphan on the Streets (10 min.)
  • released April 9, 2021: Episode 2: Miracles in Mumbai (12 min.)
  • TBD: Episode 3: From Addition to Multiplication (9 min.)
  • TBD: Episode 4: Mobilizing a Movement (8 min.)
  • TBD: Episode 5: Piercing the Darkness (8 min.)

Watch the trailer, using the password provided in the March 2021 newsletter.