
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.



“The 12 Days of Christmas” song first appeared in print in the 1780 children’s book Mirth Without Mischief.

Dewan has been working with Lok to launch our nationwide training strategy and train 400 leaders in Bangladesh. Dewan shared, “God is expanding my vision and building my leadership skills. He is using me to touch lives of leaders on a national level.”

This year Dewan also organized a baptism celebration for 17 new believers, who came to Christ as a direct result of our training, which started a year ago in northern Bangladesh. Dewan shared, “I have seen changes in the believers’ lives. They have quit smoking and drinking, and they are more devoted to praying and studying the Bible.”

Dewan has also been passionate about reaching out to the Mushahar community in northern Bangladesh. This is an unreached people group that is considered the “Dalit of Dalits” (the lowest of the low). They are so impoverished and marginalized that they are forced to survive by hunting field mice and digging out grains of rice hidden by the mice. The children don’t attend school, and the people are illiterate.

They lack clear direction and hope in their lives, and they desperately need the gospel of Jesus. Dewan has done gospel outreaches and follow-ups in 15 Mushahar villages. He has a vision to lead 150 Mushahar to faith in Christ and train them as leaders, as well as start a children’s education program among the Mushahar.

Pray for God’s work among the Mushahar people and throughout Bangladesh. Pray that God will continue to provide what Dewan needs to support his family and ministry.