
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.



The Twelfth Night, January 5th, marks the end of the Christmas season. In Europe it was traditionally a time for feasting, often with a king’s cake (a cake with three different colors of icing to commemorate the wise men’s visit). It’s believed that the comedy Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare was written as entertainment for this holiday.

We’ve been partnering with Adham since 2010. He leads one of the first officially registered Uzbek-speaking churches in his nation. One of the exciting developments from this past year is that they now have a church building. Since the church is legally registered, they can meet there without fear of getting arrested.

However, Adham also realizes that the building can make it harder for the church to multiply, since the people feel safe and comfortable there. So, Adham is trying to keep them from becoming complacent and is leading them in continued outreach efforts.

Adham also leads a church-planting organization called Silk Roads Partnership. It started with 4 housechurches and has now multiplied to 11. In 2023, they made a strategic change in their training approach by including follow-up visits.

Before, they did not do any follow-up. So, people would leave the training and be excited to apply what they learned, but they had difficulties following through. Now, Adham’s team is following up with each housechurch 3 months after the training. This has made a big difference in providing accountability, deepening relationships, and bearing fruit.

Pray for Adham to effectively lead the church in Central Asia in making mature, reproducing disciples.