
For each of our 12 days of Christmas, we are profiling one of our leaders overseas. Please join us in praying for this leader today.


Lok & PurinaIndia

The 12 Days of Christmas are traditionally observed from December 25th to January 6th. This marks the period of time between Christ’s birth and the day of Epiphany (or Three Kings’ Day), when the wise men visited and celebrated God incarnate.

Lok is a disciplemaking movement leader who lives in West Bengal, India. We praise God for how much Lok and his team have accomplished this year, not only in India, but also in Bangladesh and Nepal. In the last 12 months they have: helped translate all our training manuals into a Bengali dialect for Muslim-background believers; completed training in East and South Nepal; completed our first training in Bangladesh with 100 leaders; began training new networks of leaders in each of the eight divisions of Bangladesh; started training a network of 120 churches in the Himalayan region of Nepal.

Lok has discovered that churches in Bangladesh do a good job of meeting together regularly, but they don’t do outreach. So, during the past year, Lok has made a strategic training change. During each of the 5 phases of training, he now models how to do outreach by taking them on short ministry trips to unreached people groups.

Praise God for the dozens of new believers who learned about Christ through the outreach efforts in Bangladesh. Pray for them as they get baptized that they will grow in their faith.